Can I have a massage?
Answering YES to any of the following MAY mean that you will be unable to
have a massage, unless supporting medical information is provided:
Are you currently under the care of a doctor or other medical practitioner?**
Are you currently taking any prescribed medication?*
Are you pregnant or trying to conceive?***
Any varicose veins, thrombosis, heart, circulation or high/low blood pressure issues?**
Have you had any recent operations or other periods of hospitalization?**
Do you have cancer?**
Do you have epilepsy?**
Do you have diabetes?**
Do you have asthma?**
Do you have any back or neck injuries, aches or pain?*
Do you have any bone fractures or dislocations?* Osteoporosis?**
Do you have any recent scar tissue?*
Do you have any skin complaints? Do you have any cuts or bruises?
Do you have any contagious/infectious conditions including flu and fever?***
* Medical referral may be required depending on condition
** Medical referral required - (you may be able to infer consent by yourself)
*** Massage cannot be offered
Notes and after care
It is best not to have massage after a heavy meal
It is best to drink plenty water after a massage and ease yourself back into your day - avoid alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants for a few hours
Hot shower, rest and gentle exercise afterwards will enhance the effects of the massage
I have a relaxed attitude to draping; some clients wish to be massaged without clothes or draping and this is not a problem; it actually helps when accessing the adductors, abdomen and glutes when a person is not clothed or draped. However, this is still a grey area within massage and not all therapists agree with my view.